Alliance Values
Six words describe the Alliance's principles and governing philosophy.
Everything we do is based on these foundational values.

Unity, and therefore Community

Unity, and therefore Community
To unify our country, we use civility, respect and ethics in communicating with each other in our political discourse and in our lives. America’s backbone is strong communities, where we are united as neighbors in our common goals. We must again know our neighbors by working together, across different ethnic, religious, gender and political spectrums - beyond towns, cities and states - to build our communities and unify our country.
Americans must take responsibility for our future. Responsibility informs fiscal, social, civic and environmental actions and behaviors. As Allies, we recognize that we owe this same responsibility to each other. We support an inclusive capitalism, which emphasizes a bottom line where people, planet and profit intersect in a way that leaves our society and the world better than we found it.
The Alliance believes honesty and integrity are essential to public service, and accountability and transparency lie at the heart of this organization. We hold our candidates accountable to deliver on their promises to their voters. And, we support the free press, which must hold itself accountable for fair, truthful, accurate and unbiased reporting, as an essential body that holds all in government accountable.

Fairness is a universal desire, something we all seek and understand on a gut level. Every American has a right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness free from favoritism or discrimination. We must restore fairness in politics, and with fairness, we can fix a rigged system, so everyone plays by the same rules.

The Alliance Party is built on a foundation of integrity, transparency and truthfulness. We promise to be trustworthy in all things, earning America’s trust by what we do, and not by what we say. The world still looks to America to lead, and integrity is where this leadership must start.

Success in building community, taking responsibility, applying fairness and accountability and demonstrating integrity requires civility. Civility is more than politeness; it challenges deeply ingrained notions of us and them and having the courage to listen to and seek to understand those with whom we profoundly disagree. Civility is the baseline of respect that we owe to one another.