The Alliance Party is the political arm of a nationwide movement to elect public servants who will end corruption, stagnation and partisan politics. It's time to bring back American values and emphasize the importance of integrity and honor while moving the nation forward rather than left or right.


Help American Democracy Spread.

Democracy works best when we can make choices. More choices on the ballot is more than just a variety of options that might fir people better, but it keeps the two ruling parties in check.

This is not the case now. We switch back and forth with same old same old and nothing changes. We expect dozens of choices in coffee, ice cream, hundreds of choices in cars and so on. Yet, when we elect our politicians we are expected to only have two?

We need a handful of registered voters in Kentucky to let us borrow your name to be a presidential Elector and add Kentucky to the map.

  • This has no affect on how you vote, or if you have already

  • There are no duties or expectations, a one time service

This is where we are so far, and we would love to offer a choice to the people of Kentucky.



Contact our political Director Tim Cotton at [email protected] if you are interested, or if you have questions. Act quickly, deadlines approach fast.

Thank You!